Farm Policy Research
The Illinois Corn Growers Association (ICGA) wanted to find out what corn growers thought of the National Corn Growers Association’s (NCGA) farm policy proposal.
Create a forum for corn growers to share their ideas and attitudes regarding the NCGA farm policy proposal.
Through the ICGA web site, Jones and Thomas solicited members to attend Farm Bill Listening Sessions. We arranged 10 Listening Sessions, each located in a different geographic region of Illinois. Corn growers were encouraged to sign up for the sessions online.
A Jones and Thomas representative was present at each session to gather responses to the proposal and to survey attendees on a number of other farm policy and economic issues.
From the survey results and attendees’ comments, Jones and Thomas first created a white paper, which was later the subject of a news conference. Taking key topics from the white paper, we then developed eight fact sheets to provide to members of Congress. These fact sheets let decision makers know the farm policy preferences of Illinois corn growers. They had a significant impact on the 2007 Farm Bill.
ICGA looking for insight.
Jones and Thomas created farmer forums.
Development of informational overviews of data collected.
ICGA showed greater value to constituents.
Research strategy, policy setting, governmental relations, consumer research, print literature development